Monday, September 27, 2010

Making a Splash

A friend once asked, "why do people try to pass of worthless splashes of color then preceding to call it modern art"? Why is it art when its just polka dots wit a couple of lines of color which a four year old could easily make. But I say, a true artist creates work for themselves, not to please his audience. For example Van Gogh didn't become popular because he was just simply amazing, he's well noted because he was insane and the work that he produced were truly his feelings. Its not how good it is but the meaning that the art has that they're considered great. If you know anything about art there's much more to it such as color, composition, emotion, movement, line weight, texture, and so on. It's not about how long it took the artist to make the work, but their experience when making it. So yes, a 4-year old could do it, a monkey could do it, an elephant could do it. But what does it represent? Anything?


Another thing that struck me was that the splashes greatly reminded me of the psychiatric Rorschach test. What do you see?

1 comment:

  1. Very well said. I think too many people believe the only good art is representational. I always tell my kids that art is a conversation where the artist is sharing a part of him/herself with the viewer and encouraging an exchange.
